Expert and teacher in Production Management at the EMAS Business School.
Deputy Director of the production and service company, tutor of the Open University Business School of Great Britain, certified consultant of the QRM Management Center, the Netherlands.
Work experience:
- 7 years of legal work in financial institutions
- 18 years of managerial work in the banking sector, trade, education, industrial services
- 10 years in consulting
Management consulting experience: 10 years - on strategic development, operational management, training of the managerial personnel reserve, implementation of changes. Currently, her interests lie in the field of production management innovations, setting up production systems, fast-reacting production, as well as organizing the work of cross-functional teams.
Experience in teaching disciplines in the field of management/finance/marketing: in general, about 20 years in the programs of additional professional education of the UK OU, MIM "Link", SUSU MBA, the UrFU MBA, EMAS MBA, Presidential Management Training Program.