Eduniversal World Convention 2021
On November 17-19, the annual Eduniversal World Convention 2021 (France), dedicated to the subject of Globalization and Higher Education Trends took place.
At the conference, which was held on a virtual platform, the EMAS Business School was represented by rector Andrey Kolyada together with EMAS team.
In the virtual conference room professors, deans of universities and other academic experts from world-famous educational institutions spoke and shared their thoughts, ideas, and innovative methods and forms of education, particularly business education.
Each day of the conference was devoted to three key factors of globalization for business schools and universities:
– Business environment
– Ecological environment
– Human and managerial behavior.
Three days of extensive educational content, interesting lectures, workshops, discussions as well as interactive masterclasses and networking sessions resulted in numerous insights and useful contacts.
We would like to remind you that EMAS is among the TOP 900 best business schools in the world according to Eduniversal Evaluation and is awarded 2 Eduniversal Palmes of Excellence, defining EMAS as a Good Business School with strong regional influence.
Eduniversal rankings are based on expert peer review by business school deans. By the way, the number of EMAS recommendations from our colleagues – deans of world-class business schools who participate in the assessment – increased from 48% to 82% in 2021!